Reading 4

But is it art?

1.     Context-you only understand the meaning of art because of your knowledge of context and culture.
2.     Expression Theory of Art- art can communicate feelings and emotions.
Cognitive theory of art- art can communicate thoughts and ideas. Bacon communicates complex thoughts, so its similar to language.
3.     Unconscious Feelings- Freud believes art is an expression of unconscious  feelings.
4.     Conscious Desire- biological desires we are aware of.
5.     Libido- sexual desire.
6.     Sublimation- Freud believed that this psychological process allowed people there creativity.
7.     Author Function- we shouldn’t be so concerned in figuring out the author’s intentions when searching for correct interpretations.
8.     Paradox/conundrum- design that could be true but contradicts itself.
Historical Context- art has meaning that is grounded in cultural and historical context.

To be continued