Reading 3

Reading 3


“Every invention in art is a single event in time, has no evolution.”
Technical aspects are inseparable from the artistic aspect. Technical inventions are the Gutenberg press and nothing-substantial invention until the advent of photography.
Creativity is not private property.
The printed sheet transcends space and time. The infinity of the book must be transcended. The electro-library. Foreseeing the E-Book?


Rodchenko is one of three original founders of the constructivist movement. Rodchenko used a simple color palate mostly consisting of red, white, black, green and sometimes blue. He is known for strong diagonal vectors. Eventually he came to love photography and photomontage.

El Lissistsky

He was greatly aware of the literacy rates in his country. He believed graphic design and art as a whole could communicate to the mostly illiterate populace.


This team of design brothers were inseparable. They utilized contrast, using changes of scale and extreme close-ups. Again as with many constructivists they utilized a limited but highly vivid color palate.