Morphology Exercise

Morphology Exercise

1.     Square 1”x1” square grid.
2.     Colors: Red, White and Black/Red.  The red background fades from a burgundy like color on the left side and a lighter color on the right.  The white contains all of the text and the black/red is the color of the figures.
3.     The type is future and alternates between black, dark red and a pinkish red. It is all in lower case.
4.     The image contains two pointed triangular shapes containing the text.
a.     There are bimorph shapes breaking up the bottom of the triangles.
b.     There is a large square like stable shape to the left of the cover
5.     There are straight lines forming pillar like shapes on the left of the front and the right of the back.
6.     Overall the design is stable while creating some tension. The triangles would give the impression of instability if it were not for the strong black shapes.
7.     Positive and negative space are about equal.
8.     The parts are greater than the whole.
9.     No border is used. The red bleeds to the edge.