Reading Two

Reading Two

Futurist Manifesto

Look forward, not to the past.
War is a necessity for the health of human spirit.  War is purification and should be glorified for its “hygienic” properties. Futurists wanted to make a graphical representation of new technology ‘the machine.”


Best known as the author of the Futurist Manifesto, Marinetti was a poet that desperately wanted to defeat the past and move into the future. Thought that art could only be violence, cruelty and injustice. Broke the existing rules of typography by mixing typefaces and varying their angles and sizes. Would try to make the words look how they sound.

Edward Kauffer

Edward Kauffer was an American born artists that is best known for his success abroad; primarily in England. Perhaps best known for his work with the London Underground for which he designed over 100 posters. After much success in London, he moved to New York in 1940. This move did not go well, his designs were not well received by America’s conservative commercial art world.

El Lissitsky

El Lissitsky was a Russian designer that was influenced early on by the Suprematists. The Suprematists believed that art need not serve any function beyond its intrinsic, spiritual value. He eventually broke away from Suprematism in order to serve Russia’s new Communist state with a group called the Constructavists.  Lissitsky strongly believed that visual communication had the ability to communicate to the largely illiterate masses and promote social and political change.